Monday, July 23, 2012

We're alive!

Sorry loyal readers, we've been let down by our flotilla of iDevices. Thank goodness for good, old-fashioned modems and laptops.

We arrived in Kigali on Saturday evening and had a late dinner at the hotel with \Rae from World Leadership School and our in country coordinator, Isaac. We were serenaded by local music and took in the scent of local night blooming jasmine.

On Sunday, we drove to Kinigi, which is about two and  a half hours northwest of Kigali in the volcanoes region. It is beautiful here and delightfully cool (not an iota of humidity) and we are wearing sweaters as we type. Today, we visited Kabwende, the primary school and observed student teachers from Indiana University's Books and Beyond program, an English-intensive summer camp for local primary school students. In the afternoon, we visited Kampanga Secondary School, where we met with the teachers and a portion of the student body. We also took walks around the community, Rwanda's most densely populated community.

Tomorrow, we will return to Kabwende to work with some primary school teachers and on Wednesday, we will head to the SOWARTHE tea plantation in the morning and then in the afternoon, we will visit the Imbabazi Orphanage.

We hope to post more reflective entries in the coming days.


  1. To Amanda Hutchines and all facility members I am so happy you all got to Rwanda safe and thus far are a memorable experience. Keep doing what God as blessed each and everyone of you to do. Be safe enjoy your stay and teach from the bottom of your hearts. Amanda I love you keep posting as I will

  2. Hey Van,
    How is you experience in Rwanda going so far? and what are the teachers and the classrooms like. Have you been able to spend time exploring your surroundings, or listen to stories about the history of where you are staying. Heard the story about the flying cats, hope things are better. Talk soon.
    Luv M.
